lass="edit main-holder" rel="content" field="microweber_content"> Mission

Our Mission

The mission of “Microweber Academy” Foundation is to support organizations in their digital transformation required to remain viable in this new digital age. We are dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of the role of digital technologies, next-generation software solutions, and innovations to increase competitiveness and productivity, accomplish sustainable growth, and create job opportunities. As a specific solution, we provide our own open-source developed CMS system - Microweber. Drag & Drop Website Builder and CMS

We live in demanding times that are challenging and require a strong understanding of what we do with technology, people, and processes. Consumer expectations and constantly changing market requirements create new and modify existing models, brand culture, and experiences. Keep up or fall behind. Innovations in the digital, information, and computing fields create the need for continuous updating of knowledge to stay relevant. In this ever-changing tech reality, being competent is far beyond fundamental comprehension. Everyone needs to have a wide range of digital skills to thrive in this increasingly digital world. Driven by the conception that "digital" by default is today’s must, we support organizations and individuals in their digital transformation and strategies to maximize the impact of their work and develop a culture of innovation that opens doors for social changes and improvements. The main goal is to expand their digital competencies. By digital competency, we mean continuously upgrading skills and knowledge for communication and collaboration, information management, learning, and problem-solving by conscious usage of the full range of digital technologies. To accomplish our mission, we provide our own open-source developed CMS system - Microweber.

Microweber is the new generation's open-source, drag-and-drop website builder and CMS. This no-coding platform saves you considerable time, makes creating a website the easiest thing you can do, and gives an unmatched intuitive user experience. Why CMS? The content management system is a software solution that allows anyone, even those without a formal technical background, to produce and manage a website. CMS improves your website's quality and ease of use and brings numerous advantages. It enhances the organization’s digital presence, improves efficiency, boosts productivity, and positively impacts business processes.

“Microweber Academy” Foundation is a non-profit in public benefit with ID No. 207081850, registered in Bulgaria, the European Union.


We, the team of "Microweber Academy" Foundation" support organizations in their digital transformation. Together we raise awareness and understanding of the role of digital technologies, next-generation software solutions, and innovations to increase competitiveness and productivity, accomplish sustainable growth, and create job opportunities. Some of our main activities are:

Developing a next-generation CMS - Microweber

Microweber is an open-source, drag-and-drop website builder and CMS. It is all you need to create a free website, online store, or blog. We provide beautiful templates and professional modules to establish your brand online and improve its digital presence easily and enjoyably.

Community Support

Microweber forum is a great way to get community support. Our members will be happy to help and share their opinion to solve the problem. We build this community together, welcome others, and are open-minded.

We build long-term partnerships

Learning, sharing, collaborating, and connecting are the backbone of our organization. We establish partnerships with individuals and organizations to encourage shared innovation and drive digital development.

Provide Expertise

Our core competencies are web development, UI / UX design, web application, and website design. Our team members can provide people and organizations with their in-depth expertise in these areas and help them to improve efficiency, boost productivity, and experience more growth.

"Microweber Academy" Foundation, with ID No. 207081850, is a public benefit non-profit registered in the EU, Bulgaria, which performs activities only in accordance with its mission to support organizations in their digital transformation required to remain viable in this new digital age.